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Using data for change in Housing

Your insights have to benefit residents. Rather than fighting fires, use your data to effect change at an organisational level.

Are your insights used to the benefit of all your tenants?

With reports and alerts all hitting the relevant people in your business, it would be easy to dust off your hands and call it a day. But unless the insights you're pulling are being translated into change for your tenants, the job's not done.

In many ways, this is the biggest job of them all — it needs to be embedded culturally. Some things to consider as a starting point:

  • Can you point to instances where your instances have improved resident satisfaction?
  • Are your housing officers overwhelmed with constant "firefighting"?
  • Is data regularly used to challenge assumptions or rote practices?

Ask yourself (and your team, if applicable) these questions — a data-focused, growth mindset culture will have a huge positive impact on tenants.

How can Wordnerds help?

The limiting factor in these affairs is usually time. It would be great to focus on the big picture, but how can we when tightening regulations, aging stock, and increasingly complex queries are all more pressing issues?

Well, we can't bang that drum for you, but we can give you a larger drum to bang. Does this metaphor work? 

Cultural change like that has to come from the top, and one of the best ways to convince those big cheeses that it's both necessary and possible is to tell a story. We've got a few of those tales to tell, as well as tips on how you can go about using individual complaints to bolster your overall complaints handling strategy. Take a look:

Presh marque headshot

See something interesting?

Come have a chat if you've seen something here you'd like to implement in your organisation. We promise no salesy stuff until you know we're the tool for you.