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Our 100% risk-free proof of concept

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pricing tick markNeed to prove value before signing up for a subscription?

pricing tick markLooking to build advocacy for Customer Feedback Analysis within your team?


Sign up for a Pay-as-you-Nerd project: a one-off, fully managed feedback analysis project with a 100% money-back guarantee. Only £4,775 + vat.

Customer-focussed and data-led brands love Wordnerds:

What's the problem?

  • Most people haven’t used text analytics software before, or have had a bad experience with AI-only software
  • Signing up for a 12 month contract is a big commitment when you don’t know what results Wordnerds will get from your data
  • Most people have customer feedback spread across their organisations in different places and formats; organising that to send to a platform like ours feels like a big job. You need to know it’s worth it before you put in that effort

How does it work?

We’ve designed Pay-as-you-Nerd precisely for people like you as a risk-free, super easy way to let you try-before-you-buy. It requires hardly any effort on your end. For a brief idea of the process:

  • Data upload
    • We provide a simple CSV template showing how we’d like the data exported from your various customer communications channels, you dump it out and send it to us. We do everything else
  • Discovery & goal-setting
    • At the same time you meet with us to tell us what you’re interested in finding out, what questions you have, what hypotheses you’d like to (dis)prove and what a good outcome looks like
  • Data-wrangling and early feedback 
    • Our insights specialists upload the data to the Wordnerds platform, set everything up, train Context Themes (classification models to tag data into buckets of things you want to measure) and analyse the data
    • As well as the stuff you know you care about, our organic topics will surface surprises in the data and things you just didn’t know were there — we’ll explore surprises, topics that are new in the dataset recently and ideas that are changing, trending up or down over time
    • We’ll sit down with you to discuss the results of our first pass. We’re brilliant at  teaching computers to understand customer feedback, but you’re always the expert in context and understanding what it all means. Some things you’ll already know about, some you won’t. Some things you won’t be able to act on, some things you really will. Sitting down with us to guide our analysis guarantees that the results will be interesting, useful and, above all, actionable
  • Deeper data-dive and report production
    • We go away and dig deeper into the hot-button issues you’ve highlighted, putting numbers behind the themes, topics and trends, building graphs and narratives and compiling them into a report: an easy-to-read, simple-to-share slide deck that starts with top level insights and digs down into the root causes, user journeys and customer segmentations. We build graphs/visuals, add a narrative and include illustrative examples of the verbatim to underline key points
    • You review the draft report, suggest amendments, sense-check our interpretations and add context/editorial to make it as relevant and useful as possible before circulating it around your organisation
  • Sharing the results with your team
    • We then hold a joint webinar for your wider team where you and a Wordnerds insights analyst or Customer Success Manager will present and discuss the findings. Either we can run the whole thing or support your presentation, being on hand to field technical questions about how the insight was produced and to make you look good!

Who benefits from a Pay-as-you-Nerd?

  • A PAYN is the easiest, fastest, most reliable way we know to get you from raw customer data to useful insight and show you and your team the potential of partnering with Wordnerds
  • The beauty of software like Wordnerds is that when your data is dropped into the platform you can see straight away what value we can provide and whether we’re useful to you
  • The vast majority of people who sign up for a PAYN either go on to do more or move to an annual subscription to make Customer Feedback analysis a core part of their business as usual process. But don’t just take our word for it; Theo from Town & Country (formerly Rosebery Housing) gives an expert outline of how to use a PAYN to create advocacy and buy-in for a more ambitious VOC programme:


Our 100% money back guarantee

We’re so confident you’ll receive value from a Pay-as-you-Nerd project that we’ll return 100% of our fee for producing if you’re not happy following the webinar. No explanation needed, no quibble, tell us you’re unhappy and we’ll return your money.

So what's next?

  • Pay-as-you-Nerds are a brilliant way of preparing for a more ambitious Voice of the Customer programme. Why not send us your last year—or couple of years—of customer conversation data and let us analyse it as a baseline for future insight?
  • Chances are you’ll know a lot of the issues raised so you can satisfy yourself that Wordnerds will find the important stuff and, more than that, we can put numbers on trends you know you saw
  • By starting with an analysis of previous data we’re better able to contextualise new trends in your customer data, spot issues being raised for the first time and chart risers and fallers in your customer topics list
Pete w bracket

Interested in finding out if it's a fit?

If you think a PAYN might be a useful jumping off point to more rigorous single view of customer communications — or even if you just want to find out more — speak to Pete (that's him over there) or one of our Account Management team. They'll answer all your questions and we promise you a no-pressure experience.